
Mixed Media


'Lanyon makes references in such works as 'Mickey Mount' and 'Siren', to contemporary local concerns of coastal industry, commercialism and the impact of tourism.
With its roots in Synthetic Cubism, the impact of these collage elements is not merely aesthetic.

St. Michael's ('Mickey') Mount, the sacred Cornish landmark, is made up of small toys and trinkets and is menacingly founded on a pair of grenades.

With the inclusion of kitsch lettering reminiscent of tourist advertising, the image stands as an attack on the commercialisation, commodification and bastardisation of sacred sites. We await the imminent explosion of the grenades to shatter the gaudy and irreverent veneer.'

Ed Krcma : Penwith Magazine 11/07/2001

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MIXED MEDIA > Mickey Mount  | Only Joy | Striking Poses
mickey Mount
Siren : mixed media
A Cornish  Flag : mixed media
Checkout Girl : mixed media
Ave Cortina : mixed media
St Ives Fish : mixed media
A Cornish Flag
Checkout Girl
Avé Cortina
St Ives Fish


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